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@inproceedings{gianinazzi2024arrow, author={Lukas Gianinazzi and Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas and Piotr Luczynski and Langwen Huang and Saleh Ashkboos and Florian Scheidl and Armon Carigiet and Chio Ge and Nabil Abubaker and Maciej Besta and Tal Ben-Nun and Torsten Hoefler}, title={{Arrow Matrix Decomposition: A Novel Approach for Communication-Efficient Sparse Matrix Multiplication}}, year={2024}, month={Mar.}, pages={404-416}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'24)}, location={Edinburgh, United Kingdom}, publisher={Association for Computing Machinery}, source={}, }